Long time no see! GOWrite 3.0.5 is now stable version with Katago integration.
Katago integration does multple things.
The game trend is calculated using low iteration count. Red line is winrate, that is the probability that black would win the game. Black / White areas reflect the score difference between the players, in the middle the game is even. Each vertical line is 10 point advantage to the player. Text in bottom gives precise numbers for these.

The continuation moves are automatically evaluated and show with point difference compared to the best move, winrate for the move and iterations done as part of the search.

When mouse is above a continuation move, best continuation sequence is shown with numbered stones.
If you want to evaluate a continuation move not evaluated by default, you can ctrl-click the position to calculate evaluation for the continuation. To investigate the move more, you can add the move as variation.
About evaluations
Moves in variations are evaluated as they are visited. When analysing variations it may be helpful to enable “Insert” -> “Automatic variations”. With this, GOWrite will create a variation when adding a new move that is not last in the game. Handy for checking out a variation!
In GOWrite Katago configuration is in general settings. It is good practice to test Katago before attempting to use it. The test checks some of the known problematic settings in the configuration file and attempts to start Katago.
GOWrite does not include katago, its configuration or network, so they should be installed separately. Katago should be at least version 1.8, preferably latest.

Katago is used in its analysis mode. Katago analysis mode configuration example is analysis_example.cfg. The configuration may need adaptation for the hardware used. As GOWrite may do up to 3 parallel evaluations, the configuration should allows 3 concurrent evaluations.